Venues and Cinemas
To show the movie after the shutdown , we did apply in festivals around the world that take place again and organize speical screening. If you are a teacher, work in an institution for equal rights, are committed for the compatibility of family and work, you belong to our target audience. Please constact us.
Additionally, we worked out a strategy to show the movie as Video on Demand (VoD) in cooperation with the cinema operators and Procinema.
Despite the lockdown «Disordered» is again in cinemas and on festivals
The subject of the film is too important. We bring the film back to the festivals and #BackToCinema!
In autumn we are planning special shows in the following context:
- Raising awareness among young people > School performances
- Rethinking in companies > Special screenings for employees
- Political activities > Special presentations on the paternity leave initiative
Write us an email, if you can help us in arranging contacts, THANKS!
«Von der Rolle» wegen Covid-19 auch als VoD Stream
Wir haben uns entschlossen, den Film wegen der Kinoschliessungen nun direkt via Video on Demand auszuwerten. Dazu benutzen wir ausschliesslich die offiziellen VoD Kanäle der Kinobetreibenden sowie des Filmverleihs.
- Kult.Kino Basel für Zuhause
- Eine Auswahl der besten Kinofilme
- Arthouse Zürich, Kinoevent Rapperswil & Movieworld Spiez
- Das Arthouse-Kino für Zuhause von trigon-film.
> Der Film kann auch direkt beim Filmverleih gestreamt werden!
Past Special Screenings
Pictures of the first events, testscreenings and previews.
Testscreening with Bern: Kino CinéMovie | Friday, 24.01. 2020
Preview with frauenaargau Aarau: Freier Film | Wednesday, 19.02. 2020
Preview with Gleichstellung Züri Zürich: Kino Kosmos | Wednesday, 26.02. 2020
Preview with zonta club bienne Biel/Bienne: Kino Rex | Thursday, 27.02. 2020
Preview with Bern: Kino cineClub | Thursday, 27.02. 2020
Preview with Kulturmagazin 041 Luzern: KinoBourbaki | Sunday, 01.03. 2020
Special Screening with PublicBeta and das Magazin Basel: Kinokult | Sunday, 08.03. 2020
Special Screenings can be Booked from Now
If you wish a special screening for your society, club, the committee or the co-workers, to give them object lessons in regards to role distributions, contact us via our distributor:
Dan Riesen, ALOCO films, or 079 222 78 45.